The project execution

Initially, in each school student groups were founded / specific classes were chosen to do the research on the project’s subject. These groups/classes started out by collecting data about their own school’s curricular and extra-curricular activities, the facilities (e. g. buildings, classrooms, equipment, catering) and any kind of other factors that may have an impact on students‘ attitude about school. A particular focus was put here on factors that affect students‘ health, e. g. the psychological impact of facilities, the offer of food in the cafeteria etc.

The data then were verified by a survey among a representative quantity of students. Here, a focus was put on student groups who are known to be more likely to quit school without a degree. In this survey, on the one hand their ideas regarding an attractive school were collected; then, they were asked about their opinions on the current conditions at their school.

The examination of the data enabled students to draw first conclusions about measures that are desirable to introduce in school. They used the data to prepare a presentation about the current situation and visions for their changed, improved school, which they presented during the first meeting of all students working on the project from the four partner schools in May 2016.

In the course of the two-year project period, four meetings took place in Germany and Spain. Unfortunately, the planned visit to the Turkish partner school could not take place due to the political circumstances at that time. 

During every meeting, at least the following aspects were dealt with by the students:

  • self-presentation of the host school
  • measures which make this school attractive for their students
  • problems that need to be solved at the school to increase its quality

The guest students analysed on this occasion whether the measures of the hosting school were applicable at their own school and could be instructed by the host students how to realize them.

Each school planned the implementation of their measures individually, as the local circumstances tend to vary a lot from country to country.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.