Extracurricular sports activities
The purpose of this measure is to be able to offer students the possibility of being part of extracurricular activities after school, such as soccer, tennis and more. With them, we will be able to give students the possibility to discover and improve their self-esteem. In addition, it is good for students to be able to do various sports. So your health could improve.
Problems that are solved with this measure
First, this measure intends to give students the possibility to add contacts and thus improve their self-confidence; they also learn to concentrate and gain social competence (working in a team, coping with losing…)
Also, its intention is to give students with problems of aggression the possibility of avoiding them with the help of the courses. Courses can be used to reduce repressed anger, frustration and energy, so they can not be used negatively.
Possible implementation steps
- Start the survey at the school
- Have the permission of the head teacher
- Consider which sports activities should be offered
- Search offers and compare them
- Summarize the results and include them into a spending budget
- get an agreement with school management and city administration
- Order the items that will be needed
- Begin class preparation